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article / document resource request "355"
European official methods*

The use of ethyl alcohol as an internal standard makes it possible to greatly simplify the procedure the quantitative determination of volatile compounds and methanol in alcoholic products. Before implementing a new method in a research laboratory, the method must be validated. Validation of the new method may be done based on experimental data obtained in the laboratory during testing of alcoholic products.

The use of the proposed method ensures high reliability of the data obtained, significantly reduces time, labor, material and financial costs. Analysis of volatile compounds in spirit drinks has never been so easy.

Here you can read modified text of official method, which allows to carry out analysis of alcoholic beverages usinf the developed method.

The places in the text document to be deleted are highlighted in yellow. Embedded parts of the test are highlighted in green. Highlighted in blue are data that will be established based on the results of the performed interlaboratory study.

Here is a video report on the improvement of the Indian standard for quality control and safety of alcoholic beverages. You can download the video here.

Application note for method validation based on experimental data obtained in the laboratory during testing of alcoholic products is given here: DOI:10.1051/bioconf/20191502030 and DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2022.104772.

Questions, comments and proposals are welcome here.

2870 modified PL.pdf943766application/pdf2022-09-28 15:11:27
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